T32 / LM1
Improved policies, governance structures and institutions to promote sustainable land management throughout Europe.
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Governance, management mechanisms, instruments and policy
OVAM - UHasselt - SPW
Johan Ceenaeme - Bernard Vanheusden - Esther Goidtsjceenaem@ovam.bewww.ovam.beYesyesyesPossible to broaden the consortium with other interested parties in Belgium
SOIL/LAND STEWARDSHIP BUILDING Background: Behind/beneath a lot of land management or governance principles, the (private) ownership of the soil and land is a limiting factor or bottleneck in developing and implementing measures. How can you seduce, grow awareness, motivate, support, foster, oblige landowners to cooperate in taking care of their soil and land: how to let grow their responsibility? Should there be a limit on the rights related to private soil and land ownership? How to answer this question and set the limits? Soil and land are also common goods and important to the whole society. A land owner has property rights, but also property duties (responsibility). Goal: How can we bring this soil/land stewardship principle in practice? Which framework and which tools (certificates, labels, score tables, guidelines, …) do we need? The answering of these questions needs an integrated approach and consensus forming process between soil scientists, juridical scientists, socioeconomic and cultural scientists, policymakers, land users and societal representatives. So what: An elaborated soil/land stewardship framework with associated tools, can help private and public land owners to maintain the quality and (economic) value of their soil/land and can help to protect soil and land as common goods for the whole society. It can bridge the economic value of the (private) property of soil/land on one hand with the services that soil/land brings for the owner and for society on the other hand, and therefore bridge the economic market principles with policymaking. Links to other fields: Spatial planning – valuing of soil ecosystem services and natural capital - soil/land quality Exemplified research questions: To build a soil/land stewardship: - which framework is needed? - which instruments are needed? Certificates, labels, guidelines, …? - how to valorize soil/land quality? - how to support the relevant stakeholders? possibly, currently fundingnbal@ovam.be
SOIL/LAND STEWARDSHIP BUILDING Background: Behind/beneath a lot of land management or governance principles, the (private) ownership of the soil and land is a limiting factor or bottleneck in developing and implementing measures. How can you seduce, grow awareness, motivate, support, foster, oblige landowners to cooperate in taking care of their soil and land: how to let grow their responsibility? Should there be a limit on the rights related to private soil and land ownership? How to answer this question and set the limits? Soil and land are also common goods and important to the whole society. A land owner has property rights, but also property duties (responsibility). Goal: How can we bring this soil/land stewardship principle in practice? Which framework and which tools (certificates, labels, score tables, guidelines, …) do we need? The answering of these questions needs an integrated approach and consensus forming process between soil scientists, juridical scientists, socioeconomic and cultural scientists, policymakers, land users and societal representatives. So what: An elaborated soil/land stewardship framework with associated tools, can help private and public land owners to maintain the quality and (economic) value of their soil/land and can help to protect soil and land as common goods for the whole society. It can bridge the economic value of the (private) property of soil/land on one hand with the services that soil/land brings for the owner and for society on the other hand, and therefore bridge the economic market principles with policymaking. Links to other fields: Spatial planning – valuing of soil ecosystem services and natural capital - soil/land quality Exemplified research questions: To build a soil/land stewardship: - which framework is needed? - which instruments are needed? Certificates, labels, guidelines, …? - how to valorize soil/land quality? - how to support the relevant stakeholders? possibly, currently fundingnbal@ovam.be
Czech Republic
Veronika Kortanova
+420 257 280 636kortanova@kr-s.czhttp://www.kr-stredocesky.cz/web/regionalni-rozvoj/program-smart-akceleratoryespossiblynoProgramme - Smart Accelerator - Assistence of the Central Bohemian Region. Support for applied research. The local partner is needed.
Hana Urbancova
xyhana.urbancova@cazv.czhttp://eagri.cz/public/web/en/mze/consultancy-research/yespossiblynoNational Agency for Agricultural Research manages R&D for the entire agricultural sector, and invests significant funding into its support and development. Thanks to this funding, the results produced by some Czech research teams rank them among the best in their field both in Europe and worldwide.
Jiri Krechl
xyresearch@czechinvest.orghttp://www.czechinvest.org/en/research-development36yespossiblynoProgramme for support of applied research - CzechInvest Agency. The Czech Republic has a strong academic background which consists of nine main technical universities providing natural-sciences study programmes, including energy technologies. Added value derives from cooperation with leading Czech companies focusing on R&D projects involving advanced technology products.Another aspect of success in research is that the Czech Republic is home to a broad range of science and technology parks and innovation centres.These aspects give the Czech Republic a leading position among its main competitors in the region, according to fDI intelligence source.
Lukas Kacena
xylukas.kacena@tacr.czhttps://www.tacr.cz/index.php/en/yespossiblynoTechnology Agency of the Czech Republic, section for management of research
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Jaana KaipainenJaana.Kaipainen@mmm.fihttp://mmm.fi/en/frontpageyespossiblyyesAt the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the core task of research and development activities is to proactively produce knowledge, expertise and innovations to support decision-making, promote the competitiveness of economic activities and ensure the sustainable use of renewable natural resources.
The Ministry’s research and development appropriation is used, in particular, to fund research, development and study projects that support planning, foresight, monitoring and impact assessment activities concerning policy measures and legislation.
The Development Fund for Agriculture and Forestry (Makera) grants R&D funding for research activities that benefit the agri-food sector across a broad front. The main focus is on research concerning the sustainable development of the profitability and competitiveness of livelihoods. Makera also provides funding for research on reindeer husbandry, natural means of livelihood and development activities in the Skolt Sámi area and rural research and development projects.
How to use and manage land and soil in a sustainable way taking into account changes caused by technology, climate change etc.possiblyantti.rehunen@ymparisto.fi
How to use and manage land and soil in a sustainable way taking into account changes caused by technology, climate change etc.possiblyantti.rehunen@ymparisto.fi
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Marion BARDYmarion.bardy@agriculture.gouv.frhttp://www,agriculture.gouv.frunknownyesyesHow to manage the multifunctionality of agricultural soils, also takes into account in the decision making - transverse to several themes.
What means of action / levers for actors managing agricultural ecosystems
interest in spatial planning and conflict of use land management objective of preserving agricultural land and arbitration between usesyesmc.dictor@brgm.fr
interest in spatial planning and conflict of use land management objective of preserving agricultural land and arbitration between usesyesmc.dictor@brgm.fr
Regione Emilia Romagna
Nicola Dall'Olionicola.dallolio@regione.emilia-romagna.itwww.regione.emilia-romagna.ityespossiblyyesRegione Emilia Romagna is interested in co-funding and being a partner of H2020 projects and other UE funding programme
Set regulations to apply the EU goal "No net land take". Currently co-funded in the framework of the LIFE project SOS4Lifecurrently fundingmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Set regulations to apply the EU goal "No net land take". Currently co-funded in the framework of the LIFE project SOS4Lifecurrently fundingmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Ministry of The Environment, Land protection and Sea
Laura D'Apriledaprile.laura@minambiente.itwww.minambiente.itNOnono
Interesting topic, already covered by funding lines at national level. www.minambiente.it/pagina/politiche-di-coesione-2014-2020-0already fundedmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Interesting topic, already covered by funding lines at national level. www.minambiente.it/pagina/politiche-di-coesione-2014-2020-0already fundedmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Edoardo Staculestacul@invitalia.itwww.invitalia.ityesyesyesAs expected outcome I hope to join a transnational critical mass to develop applied research foscused on the selected relevant items.
Funding from the Special Commissioner (Legislative Decree 185/15already fundedmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Funding from the Special Commissioner (Legislative Decree 185/15already fundedmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
implementation programme soil and subsurface
Leo Hamerlinck (via Linda Maring)linda.maring@deltares.nlhttps://www.bodemplus.nl/onderwerpen/bodem-ondergrond/bodemconvenant/thema/kennis/uitvragen/uitvraag-2017/aanbestedingsvormen/xxxpossiblypossiblyThis programme has budget untill (10 mln between 2017-2020) for soil and subsurface. They use the Dutch knowledge agenda soil and subsurface (which is the same as the dutch contribution to the INSPIRATION agenda) as leading research questions. They set out different calls (next call is on climate / rural area, nature / infrastructure or energy, max 150 KEUR, 50% cofininancing needed, deadline Nov 29 2017 ) They are open for collaboration in europe. how and on which topics is not specified yest. Probably theyw ant to arrange this via the Knowledge and Innovation Program Soil and Subsurface (also entered in this database)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Maria MaiaMaria.Maia@fct.ptwww.fct.ptPermission for what?yesyes
Center on Spatial and Organizational Dynamics
Thomas Panagopoulostpanago@ualg.pthttp://cieo.pt/mission.phpyespossiblyyes
António José Conde Buzio Sampaio Ramos
Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic
Attila Toth, M.Sc., PhD.attila.toth@vlada.gov.skwww.vlada.gov.skyesnoyes
IHOBE Basque Environment Agency
Ana Alzola +34 94 423.07.43ana.alzola@ihobe.euswww.ihobe.eusyes but only within the interested partiespossiblyyesIhobe is the public agency for environmental management of the Basque Country. As such the organization has limited funding capacity. However Ms Alzola has tried to reflect in her responses the potential interest of the Department of Environment of the Basque Government with respect to the SRA. She is willing to participate in an online match making / meeting in the medium term though.
very interested medium term 2020-2025yesgemma.garcia@tecnalia.com
very interested medium term 2020-2025yesgemma.garcia@tecnalia.com
Basque Government
Ignacio de la Puerta Director of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Urban Regeneration- Basque Governmentidelapuerta@euskadi.eushttp://www.euskadi.eus/gobierno-vasco/departamento-medio-ambiente-politica-territorial/inicio/YespossiblynoInterested in SRA and in following up the initiative of New Funder Platform
Inclusive urban regeneration as a response to key urban challenges : liveability, industrial reconversion, brownfields, climate change mitigation and adaptation: i) methodologies and innovative technologies for inclusive urban regeneration ii) planning instruments and financial models iii) nature based solutions as driver for urban regenerationpossiblygemma.garcia@tecnalia.com
Inclusive urban regeneration as a response to key urban challenges : liveability, industrial reconversion, brownfields, climate change mitigation and adaptation: i) methodologies and innovative technologies for inclusive urban regeneration ii) planning instruments and financial models iii) nature based solutions as driver for urban regenerationpossiblygemma.garcia@tecnalia.com
The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agrucultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
Elisabet Goranssonelisabet.goransson@formas.sewww.formas.seyespossiblypossiblyMay be a change of Contact person
Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF
c/o Marco Pützmarco.puetz@wsl.chwww.snf.chnonono
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
c/o Marco Pützmarco.puetz@wsl.chwww.bafu.admin.chnonono
United Kingdom
- For founders
- For endusers
- For researchers
- For citizens
Funding research on governance will generate improved understanding of effective governance structures that address the challenges of sustainable land management. Research on innovative financing instruments (incentives, co-financing, combinations or modifications of existing instruments) will enable better spatial planning and land management. Open labs enable demonstrations of innovative solutions.
Improved understanding of the governance of land management will enable local, regional, national and European administrations to design an effective institutional framework to support sustainable land management to the benefit of all stakeholders. To avoid land speculation, legal and economic monitoring needs to be enhanced.
Researchers are challenged to work inter- and transdisciplinary on innovative policy and institutional aspects of land management, integrating social and environmental needs. This will include land use conflict management and options for circular land use. Also financing and control mechanisms need to be included, as well as best practices evaluation.
CitizenSpatial management beyond traditional land use planning relates societal needs, economic activities and natural capital stewardship to mobilise citizen engagement, reach consensus on the use of land, balancing private and public interests.
Governance in the context of land management is defined by the policies (instruments and mechanisms) and the institutional, administrative framework. The main challenge related to land management governance in Europe is to implement sustainable and effective management solutions and to integrate them in the diversity of administrative and planning systems between countries. Future research should focus on best practices evaluation, and introduction of proved mechanisms or instruments into an generic European planning procedure.
Governance in the context of land management is defined by the policies, using appropriate instruments and mechanism and the institutional, administrative framework. Making better use of existing instruments as well as introduction of new innovative mechanisms, based on a circular land use approach, will help keep more of Europe’s land in beneficial use. The main challenge related to land management governance in Europe is the diversity of administrative and planning systems in EU members’ countries as well as dynamic private sector initiatives e.g. in urban development and agriculture. Different countries have taken different approaches to land management and have different planning culture including: law and regulations, fiscal and economic system, complexity of investment’s procedure and public information and communication. Content of this topic includes a common focus of many innovative approaches are being defined by the partner s’ countries as a research needs.
These research needs have been further subdivided in four subtopics: 1) Policy and institutional aspects of land management, 2) Spatial planning, 3) Conflict management and 4) Circular land use and land management. CTT-LM 1.1: Policy and Institutional aspects of land management
Policy and institutional aspects of land management are related to a broad scope of “land management” issues like: political regulations and public involvement, social and environmental needs, right of ownership, financing of land purchase, establishing and enforcing development controls, instruments mechanisms, which are focused on land management. The proposed research topics can be related to the efficiency of administrative procedures, management of land uses and spatial policy coordination. Identifying innovative solutions as well as institutional capacities required to carry out all of these tasks seek to introduce a new, holistic and systemic approach to land management, including urban-rural interaction. The integrated approach to land management reflects importance of co-ordination within broader as well as specific local context. Many research questions which are included in the national reports refer to these aspects of land management.
CTT-LM 1.2: Spatial Planning
Spatial planning goes beyond traditional land-use planning to bring together and integrate policies for development and use of land with other policies and programmes. Spatial planning plays an important role in achieving the spatial relationships between societal needs, economic activities and natural capital stewardship and is designated to regulate use of land balancing private and public interests.
In Europe, the relationship between spatial planning and measures to protect and enhance the soil and land varies from system to system. Due to the growing complexity and speed of the changing processes related to the particular context of land, it is more and more important to be able to have a real-time and flexible response to problems and opportunities. A general requirement for better and effective spatial planning is that environmental and societal objectives should be identified at an early stage of the planning process. It is crucial to develop support measures and guidelines that serve this purpose. There is a need to define multi-purpose guidelines which should respect various spatial planning scales (from global to local) and which should strengthen the ability of “land management” to deal with spatial, temporal and sectoral interdependencies among economic activities and with interrelationships between environmental and socio- economic objectives. Operational elements of spatial planning, e.g. new agencies and revolving funding instruments are required to coordinate different aspects of land management and improving soil land management quality.
CTT-LM 1.3: Conflict management among different land use options
Conflicts are an inherent part of land management. Competition among various land use options could create land use conflicts. Conflicting objectives exist in all types of spaces, on all scales and they reach beyond the set of instruments of spatial planning as “mutual spatial management process”. These conflicts exist, and to deal with them in an adequate way require the scientific basis for the adequate balancing of decisions and proposed solutions. Spatial vision systems are not compatible enough with one another. Also the interdependence of the different actors of land use decisions has been only partially understood up until now and a strong demand exists for empirical research. Better land management and integration of different land use targets could support reconciliation of potential conflicts on different scales and minimize negative impact on society, ecosystem services and quality of space. All topics related to the land management have been also related to the conflict management. From this perspective, conflict management seems to be an important and widespread issue across many countries. Management of conflicts is needed in the context of land ownerships versus public interests, local and worldwide effects (like climate change adaptation, urban- rural interdependencies etc.).There is a need to establish an integrated approach to conflict management, which should be coherent with all aspects of land management. There are research needs expressed by INSPIRATION’s National Key Stakeholders to identify stronger involvement of wide range of stakeholders especially end- users into the process of land conflict management on to address societal challenges.
CTT-LM 1.4: Circular land use and land management
Land is a finite resource. That is why better land use and management should present a strategic approach for sustainable development of settlement structures as well as efficient use of land as a resource. Land-use from the perspective of circular economy refers to circular land use and management. Circular land management also offers a starting point for the achievement of the EU goal ”no net land take by 2050“ and the international goals related to a no–net–land degradation This concept can be described with the slogan “reduce - recycle – avoid”, and is focused on new, innovative ways to minimize the consumption of land by reusing and redevelopment of, derelict and under-used land sites as well as on de-sealing abandoned brownfields as a compensation measure for newly urbanised areas in order to achieve a zero land take balance.In this context, the circular land management concept presents a comprehensive strategic approach for steering the development of settlement structures. Circular land management also offers a starting point for the achievement of the EU goal ”no net land take by 2050“ and the international goals related to a no–net–land degradation. Furthermore, circular land management can contribute to the implementation of strategies for climate adaption and “healthy” cities. Research is required to understand the patterns of behaviour and interdependencies of actors active in land-related policy areas. It is important to combine the strategies and instruments of circular land management through applied research and pilot case studies and in the sense of modular “tool boxes” to qualify a sustainable land management. As a part of sustainable land use the circular material management should be included. Since many European standards are affected by this, this action should take place on the European level.
These research needs have been further subdivided in four subtopics: 1) Policy and institutional aspects of land management, 2) Spatial planning, 3) Conflict management and 4) Circular land use and land management. CTT-LM 1.1: Policy and Institutional aspects of land management
Policy and institutional aspects of land management are related to a broad scope of “land management” issues like: political regulations and public involvement, social and environmental needs, right of ownership, financing of land purchase, establishing and enforcing development controls, instruments mechanisms, which are focused on land management. The proposed research topics can be related to the efficiency of administrative procedures, management of land uses and spatial policy coordination. Identifying innovative solutions as well as institutional capacities required to carry out all of these tasks seek to introduce a new, holistic and systemic approach to land management, including urban-rural interaction. The integrated approach to land management reflects importance of co-ordination within broader as well as specific local context. Many research questions which are included in the national reports refer to these aspects of land management.
CTT-LM 1.2: Spatial Planning
Spatial planning goes beyond traditional land-use planning to bring together and integrate policies for development and use of land with other policies and programmes. Spatial planning plays an important role in achieving the spatial relationships between societal needs, economic activities and natural capital stewardship and is designated to regulate use of land balancing private and public interests.
In Europe, the relationship between spatial planning and measures to protect and enhance the soil and land varies from system to system. Due to the growing complexity and speed of the changing processes related to the particular context of land, it is more and more important to be able to have a real-time and flexible response to problems and opportunities. A general requirement for better and effective spatial planning is that environmental and societal objectives should be identified at an early stage of the planning process. It is crucial to develop support measures and guidelines that serve this purpose. There is a need to define multi-purpose guidelines which should respect various spatial planning scales (from global to local) and which should strengthen the ability of “land management” to deal with spatial, temporal and sectoral interdependencies among economic activities and with interrelationships between environmental and socio- economic objectives. Operational elements of spatial planning, e.g. new agencies and revolving funding instruments are required to coordinate different aspects of land management and improving soil land management quality.
CTT-LM 1.3: Conflict management among different land use options
Conflicts are an inherent part of land management. Competition among various land use options could create land use conflicts. Conflicting objectives exist in all types of spaces, on all scales and they reach beyond the set of instruments of spatial planning as “mutual spatial management process”. These conflicts exist, and to deal with them in an adequate way require the scientific basis for the adequate balancing of decisions and proposed solutions. Spatial vision systems are not compatible enough with one another. Also the interdependence of the different actors of land use decisions has been only partially understood up until now and a strong demand exists for empirical research. Better land management and integration of different land use targets could support reconciliation of potential conflicts on different scales and minimize negative impact on society, ecosystem services and quality of space. All topics related to the land management have been also related to the conflict management. From this perspective, conflict management seems to be an important and widespread issue across many countries. Management of conflicts is needed in the context of land ownerships versus public interests, local and worldwide effects (like climate change adaptation, urban- rural interdependencies etc.).There is a need to establish an integrated approach to conflict management, which should be coherent with all aspects of land management. There are research needs expressed by INSPIRATION’s National Key Stakeholders to identify stronger involvement of wide range of stakeholders especially end- users into the process of land conflict management on to address societal challenges.
CTT-LM 1.4: Circular land use and land management
Land is a finite resource. That is why better land use and management should present a strategic approach for sustainable development of settlement structures as well as efficient use of land as a resource. Land-use from the perspective of circular economy refers to circular land use and management. Circular land management also offers a starting point for the achievement of the EU goal ”no net land take by 2050“ and the international goals related to a no–net–land degradation This concept can be described with the slogan “reduce - recycle – avoid”, and is focused on new, innovative ways to minimize the consumption of land by reusing and redevelopment of, derelict and under-used land sites as well as on de-sealing abandoned brownfields as a compensation measure for newly urbanised areas in order to achieve a zero land take balance.In this context, the circular land management concept presents a comprehensive strategic approach for steering the development of settlement structures. Circular land management also offers a starting point for the achievement of the EU goal ”no net land take by 2050“ and the international goals related to a no–net–land degradation. Furthermore, circular land management can contribute to the implementation of strategies for climate adaption and “healthy” cities. Research is required to understand the patterns of behaviour and interdependencies of actors active in land-related policy areas. It is important to combine the strategies and instruments of circular land management through applied research and pilot case studies and in the sense of modular “tool boxes” to qualify a sustainable land management. As a part of sustainable land use the circular material management should be included. Since many European standards are affected by this, this action should take place on the European level.
knowledge transfer, knowledge creation, demonstration, training and education, survey and monitoring, networking
No poverty, Zero hunger, Good health Quality, Education, Gender equality, Clean water & sanitation, Affodable and clean energy, Industry innovation and infrastructure, Reduced inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities, Responsible consumption, Climate action, Life below water, Life on land, Peace and justive, Partnership for the goals
National research needs:
- AT-4Dealing with natural hazards
- AT-13Political regulations and involvement
- AT-14Is the ideal spatial utilisation possible?
- BE-12Erosion
- BE-13Soil sealing (covering of the ground by an impermeable material)
- BE-21Pressure on land and spatial planning, fragmentation of land, scarcity of land
- BE-21Pressure on land and spatial planning, fragmentation of land, scarcity of land
- BE-22Conflicts on land use
- BE-24Spatial planning
- BE-24Spatial planning
- BE-26Holistic approach
- BE-26Holistic approach
- CZ-6Regeneration of urban space and current urban spatial risks
- FI-8Assessment of soil ecosystem services and biodiversity
- FI-9Innovative ways of recycling materials and re-using land areas
- FI-10Risk management and sustainable remediation of soils and groundwater
- FI-11Sustainable urbanisation and healthy living environments
- FI-13Integration of different land uses
- FI-14Development of land use policies and planning methods
- FI-15Social acceptance and environmental regulation
- FI-15Social acceptance and environmental regulation
- FR-1Allocation of Land
- FR-5Soil functions and services
- DE-1.1Actors and Cross Sectional Management
- DE-1.2Communication
- DE-2.1Cicular Land Management
- DE-2.2Settlement Area Management and Environmental Compensation
- DE-2.2Settlement Area Management and Environmental Compensation
- DE-2.3Material Flows
- DE-3.2Land/real estate market
- DE-3.4Compensation
- IT-3Spatial and urban planning
- IT-3Spatial and urban planning
- IT-4Cross-cutting themes
- PL-1Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- PL-3Soil in urban areas
- PL-4Planning in urban areas
- PL-4Planning in urban areas
- PL-5Platform for public policy to protect land and soil
- PT-1Plans for Soil Conservation
- PT-2Opportunities of innovative and sustainable agricultural technologies
- PT-4Combating desertification
- PT-4Combating desertification
- PT-5Promoting urban green infrastructure
- PT-6Urban planning and redevelopment
- PT-8Competition between land uses
- PT-10Resource Efficient Economy with a Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials
- ES-1Innovation in science communication and awareness
- ES-2New governance, instruments and management mechanisms
- ES-2New governance, instruments and management mechanisms
- ES-3.1Life cycle thinking applied to land use.
- ES-3.6New technologies development and the territorial model:
- ES-3.8Innovative territorial models.
- SW-2Safe and sustainable (drinking) water supply from water source to tap
- SW-3Ensure efficient use of natural resources
- SW-8Biodiversity and ecosystem services
- SW-9Communication and implementation: Societal reach and impact
- CH-1.2Environmental qualities and land rights of the residential areas
- CH-1.3Right of ownership
- CH-2.1Visions for spatial development
- CH-2.4Transport and mobility
- CH-2.5Soil protection
- CH-2.8Mountain regions
- CH-2.10Alternative energies
- CH-5.1Conflicts and dialogue regarding land and soil use
- CH-5.2Concrete implementation and project management
- NL-4Water
- NL-7Soil quality
- NL-8Energy supply
- NL-10Governance
- NL-14Data and information
- NL-15Land-use
- UK-2Soil and groundwater remediation
- UK-2Soil and groundwater remediation