T27 / D3
This research will contribute to land use conflict resolution, the liveability of shrinking regions and villages, increased brownfield regeneration and land re-use, which will help save soils for other purposes.
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Urban / infrastructure land
Eddy Wille - Tom Behetstom.behets@ovam.bewww.ovam.beYesyesyes
"Investigation of the opportunities of combining soil remediation, the principles of landfill mining and excavation of ancient landfill sites for the creation of extra space for water buffering capacity (temporally water storage) in actual flooding areas and areas with high risk of flooding."possiblynbal@ovam.be
"Investigation of the opportunities of combining soil remediation, the principles of landfill mining and excavation of ancient landfill sites for the creation of extra space for water buffering capacity (temporally water storage) in actual flooding areas and areas with high risk of flooding."possiblynbal@ovam.be
Ellen Luytenellen.luyten@ovam.bewww.ovam.beYesyesyes
SCENARIO-BUILDING AND URBAN METABOLISM It is important to consider soil and land quality in scenario development. Could this scenario building be connected to urban metabolism methodology in order to give them a more prominent role in development of metabolic insights? Or to find the mutual synergies? On the otherhand we see the natural resources and especially soil and land are not easily considered in urban metabolism methodology. How can we increase the role of soil, land, ecology and ecosystems in these new methodologies to saveguard urban quality of life .possibly, currently fundingnbal@ovam.be
SCENARIO-BUILDING AND URBAN METABOLISM It is important to consider soil and land quality in scenario development. Could this scenario building be connected to urban metabolism methodology in order to give them a more prominent role in development of metabolic insights? Or to find the mutual synergies? On the otherhand we see the natural resources and especially soil and land are not easily considered in urban metabolism methodology. How can we increase the role of soil, land, ecology and ecosystems in these new methodologies to saveguard urban quality of life .possibly, currently fundingnbal@ovam.be
Czech Republic
Adam Skava
+420595622461adam.skava@msk.czhttps://www.msk.cz/cz/verejna_sprava/dotacni-program-podpora-vedy-a-vyzkumu-v-moravskoslezskem-kraji-2017-92989/yespossiblynoProgramme for the support of research in the Moravian Silesian Region supports innovative projects that help with innovative solutions and support regional development.
Marie Pacakova
xymarie.pacakova@gacr.czhttps://gacr.cz/en/yespossiblynoGrant Agency of the Czech Republic, a section for support of the research. Open to all fields of science. The Czech Science Foundation (also known as the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, GA CR) was established in 1993 as the main independent public organization with the aim to support basic research in the Czech Republic and promote international collaboration of researchers and research teams on the bilateral and multilateral levels.
On the basis of calls for proposals, the Czech Science Foundation provides financial support for experienced as well as young and early-stage researchers. Moreover, it funds bilateral projects together with projects carried out within international research programmes. The subject of a project proposal is determined by the applicant (bottom-up principle). Around 2,500 project proposals are submitted to the GA CR every year, of which more than one-fourth obtain financial support. The GA CR invites proposals in all disciplines of basic research.
Lukas Kacena
xylukas.kacena@tacr.czhttps://www.tacr.cz/index.php/en/yespossiblynoTechnology Agency of the Czech Republic, section for management of research
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Marion BARDYmarion.bardy@agriculture.gouv.frhttp://www,agriculture.gouv.frunknownyesyesHow to manage the multifunctionality of agricultural soils, also takes into account in the decision making - transverse to several themes.
What means of action / levers for actors managing agricultural ecosystems
where to position the city concerns the Ministry on the aspect of land consumption (an issue on brownfield ...) yesmc.dictor@brgm.fr
where to position the city concerns the Ministry on the aspect of land consumption (an issue on brownfield ...) yesmc.dictor@brgm.fr
Michele Munafòmichele.munafo@isprambiente.itwww.isprambiente.itYesyesno
Mapping and evaluation soil ecosystem services. already funded, currently fundingmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Mapping and evaluation soil ecosystem services. already funded, currently fundingmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Edoardo Staculestacul@invitalia.itwww.invitalia.ityesyesyesAs expected outcome I hope to join a transnational critical mass to develop applied research foscused on the selected relevant items.
Funding from the Special Commissioner (Legislative Decree 185/15currently fundingmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Funding from the Special Commissioner (Legislative Decree 185/15currently fundingmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
implementation programme soil and subsurface
Leo Hamerlinck (via Linda Maring)linda.maring@deltares.nlhttps://www.bodemplus.nl/onderwerpen/bodem-ondergrond/bodemconvenant/thema/kennis/uitvragen/uitvraag-2017/aanbestedingsvormen/xxxpossiblypossiblyThis programme has budget untill (10 mln between 2017-2020) for soil and subsurface. They use the Dutch knowledge agenda soil and subsurface (which is the same as the dutch contribution to the INSPIRATION agenda) as leading research questions. They set out different calls (next call is on climate / rural area, nature / infrastructure or energy, max 150 KEUR, 50% cofininancing needed, deadline Nov 29 2017 ) They are open for collaboration in europe. how and on which topics is not specified yest. Probably theyw ant to arrange this via the Knowledge and Innovation Program Soil and Subsurface (also entered in this database)
just for subsurface infrastructure for call ending 29 nov 2017yes, currently fundinglinda.maring@deltares.nl
just for subsurface infrastructure for call ending 29 nov 2017yes, currently fundinglinda.maring@deltares.nl
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Maria MaiaMaria.Maia@fct.ptwww.fct.ptPermission for what?yesyes
Center on Spatial and Organizational Dynamics
Thomas Panagopoulostpanago@ualg.pthttp://cieo.pt/mission.phpyespossiblyyes
António José Conde Buzio Sampaio Ramos
The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agrucultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
Elisabet Goranssonelisabet.goransson@formas.sewww.formas.seyespossiblypossiblyMay be a change of Contact person
Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF
c/o Marco Pützmarco.puetz@wsl.chwww.snf.chnonono
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
c/o Marco Pützmarco.puetz@wsl.chwww.bafu.admin.chnonono
United Kingdom
- For founders
- For endusers
- For researchers
- For citizens
This research topic adresses the challenges of cities to create a healthy and prosperous living environment for their citizens, balancing the needs of all stakeholders. By funding this research, the social, economic and environmental quality of cities will increase.
All stakeholders of urban development will benefit from research on the societal demand on land and how seemingly conflicting land use goals may be integrated in a stakeholder driven land use planning system.
Researchers are challenged since this research requires transdisciplinary approach, combining social, economic and environmental sciences, as well as bridging the gap between scinece and urban practice in land use planning.
Citizens of cities will directly benefit from healthy, sustainable and more climate resilient cities
The demand of land for settlement is constantly increasing. Land use is in a constant transition according to the changing needs of stakeholders. This high demand leads to conflicting goals with regard to the different urban land uses, such as residential areas, industry, infrastructure, and recreation. On the other hand, shrinking regions require concepts for deconstruction and renaturalisation of land. Brownfield remediation and recycling and reuse will add to saving soils for other purposes.
The demand on land for settlement areas, surface as well as subsurface infrastructure, as well as other uses such as landfill sites is constantly increasing. Land use in itself is in constant transition according to the needs of stakeholders (residential areas, industry, mobility/transports, recreation areas, housings etc). Urban expansion, population density and type of land use of the different regions - all affect the social, economic and environmental quality of cities and regions and have effects on the soil and city climate. The high demand leads to conflicting goals in regards to the use of land, for example, for settlement and infrastructure as well as green infrastructure in urban areas. Expanding areas with specific land uses are faced with the task of mobilizing land potentials despite the presence of a high level of competition for use. On the other hand, stagnant or shrinking regions have a surplus of land potentials which require concepts for deconstruction and the re-naturalisation of land. Brownfield remediation and recycling for urban use play a major role in saving soils for other purposes.
Main questions are
• How European cities can meet the challenge for inner development concepts in gaps in the built-up areas, brownfield regeneration, multifunctional and temporal uses, densification and the replacement of older constructions?
• How could stakeholders be involved new forms of cooperation such as that between planning and environmental administrations and public-private stakeholders? How could they contribute to solutions of the problems? What is required is the adaption of planning and administrative processes to current demands and at the same time the development of management strategies in cooperation with private land owners.
Main questions are
• How European cities can meet the challenge for inner development concepts in gaps in the built-up areas, brownfield regeneration, multifunctional and temporal uses, densification and the replacement of older constructions?
• How could stakeholders be involved new forms of cooperation such as that between planning and environmental administrations and public-private stakeholders? How could they contribute to solutions of the problems? What is required is the adaption of planning and administrative processes to current demands and at the same time the development of management strategies in cooperation with private land owners.
knowledge transfer, knowledge creation, demonstration, training and education, survey and monitoring, networking
No poverty, Good health Quality, Gender equality, Clean water & sanitation, Affodable and clean energy, Decent work and economic growth, Industry innovation and infrastructure, Reduced inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities, Responsible consumption, Climate action, Life on land, Peace and justive, Partnership for the goals
National research needs:
- AT-5Monitoring and evaluating land and soil use for settlements and infrastructure
- AT-10Demographic changes and urban land use
- AT-13Political regulations and involvement
- BE-5Remediation technology for contaminated soil, groundwater, sediment
- BE-6Integrated approach remediation - spatial planning (e.g. brownfield development, landfill mining)
- BE-24Spatial planning
- CZ-1Urban sprawl and consequent land-use changes in the hinterland of big cities
- CZ-2Contaminated sites as heritage of the 20th century and how to deal with them
- CZ-6Regeneration of urban space and current urban spatial risks
- FI-11Sustainable urbanisation and healthy living environments
- FI-13Integration of different land uses
- DE-2.1Cicular Land Management
- DE-3.1Rural areas
- IT-2Contamination of water, soil and sediments
- IT-3Spatial and urban planning
- PL-4Planning in urban areas
- PL-6Degraded land in urban areas
- PT-1Plans for Soil Conservation
- PT-5Promoting urban green infrastructure
- PT-6Urban planning and redevelopment
- ES-3.6New technologies development and the territorial model:
- SW-4How to reach sustainable urbanization?
- CH-2.1Visions for spatial development
- NL-3Climate change
- NL-5Smart and healthy cities
- NL-6Mobility and transport
- NL-15Land-use
- UK-1Efficiency of primary food producers, while recognising the associated environmental and societal needs.
- UK-3Soil ‘Regeneration’