T6 / IRT-6
national, regional, local authorities would benefit from a more global and informed vision of the utility (private and public) of their decisions if they were supplied with indicators helping to measure the consequences of their decisions on the natural resources. This “footprint” type of indicators will permit a statistical scoreboard to be used to analyze environmental impacts through the whole global economic cycle and thus better balance societal benefits and ecological effects of different resource-use options.
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Indicators for assessing the efficiency of the Soil-Sediment-Water-Energy nexus of resources
Czech Republic
Lukas Kacena
xylukas.kacena@tacr.czhttps://www.tacr.cz/index.php/en/yespossiblynoTechnology Agency of the Czech Republic, section for management of research
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Marion BARDYmarion.bardy@agriculture.gouv.frhttp://www,agriculture.gouv.frunknownyesyesHow to manage the multifunctionality of agricultural soils, also takes into account in the decision making - transverse to several themes.
What means of action / levers for actors managing agricultural ecosystems
Global improvement of the use of natural resources Improvement of Life Cycle Analysis methods by integration of soil-based indicators ? yesmc.dictor@brgm.fr
Global improvement of the use of natural resources Improvement of Life Cycle Analysis methods by integration of soil-based indicators ? yesmc.dictor@brgm.fr
Federal Ministry of Education and Resarch
Dr. Kristina Grossk.gross@fz-juelich.dewww.ptj.deyeayesyes
Urban and rural areas are closely interrelated and depending heavily on to each other. Urbanization and digitization - these and other trends urgently need to redefine functional urban areas and the urban-rural relationships. Coping with conflicts and initiating sustainable land use is of central importance. As part of the initiative “Future Cities” urban-rural relationships are part of intensive research activities in Germany. The BMBF is therefore interested to exchange in an international dialogue.possiblyuwe.ferber@stadtland.eu
Urban and rural areas are closely interrelated and depending heavily on to each other. Urbanization and digitization - these and other trends urgently need to redefine functional urban areas and the urban-rural relationships. Coping with conflicts and initiating sustainable land use is of central importance. As part of the initiative “Future Cities” urban-rural relationships are part of intensive research activities in Germany. The BMBF is therefore interested to exchange in an international dialogue.possiblyuwe.ferber@stadtland.eu
implementation programme soil and subsurface
Leo Hamerlinck (via Linda Maring)linda.maring@deltares.nlhttps://www.bodemplus.nl/onderwerpen/bodem-ondergrond/bodemconvenant/thema/kennis/uitvragen/uitvraag-2017/aanbestedingsvormen/xxxpossiblypossiblyThis programme has budget untill (10 mln between 2017-2020) for soil and subsurface. They use the Dutch knowledge agenda soil and subsurface (which is the same as the dutch contribution to the INSPIRATION agenda) as leading research questions. They set out different calls (next call is on climate / rural area, nature / infrastructure or energy, max 150 KEUR, 50% cofininancing needed, deadline Nov 29 2017 ) They are open for collaboration in europe. how and on which topics is not specified yest. Probably theyw ant to arrange this via the Knowledge and Innovation Program Soil and Subsurface (also entered in this database)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Maria MaiaMaria.Maia@fct.ptwww.fct.ptPermission for what?yesyes
possibly, already funded, currently fundingtpanago@ualg.pt
possibly, already funded, currently fundingtpanago@ualg.pt
Center on Spatial and Organizational Dynamics
Thomas Panagopoulostpanago@ualg.pthttp://cieo.pt/mission.phpyespossiblyyes
António José Conde Buzio Sampaio Ramos
Basque Government
Ignacio de la Puerta Director of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Urban Regeneration- Basque Governmentidelapuerta@euskadi.eushttp://www.euskadi.eus/gobierno-vasco/departamento-medio-ambiente-politica-territorial/inicio/YespossiblynoInterested in SRA and in following up the initiative of New Funder Platform
Water/energy/food system from the perspective of spatial planning and land use planning and policies, under climate change scenariospossiblygemma.garcia@tecnalia.com
Water/energy/food system from the perspective of spatial planning and land use planning and policies, under climate change scenariospossiblygemma.garcia@tecnalia.com
The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agrucultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
Elisabet Goranssonelisabet.goransson@formas.sewww.formas.seyespossiblypossiblyMay be a change of Contact person
Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF
c/o Marco Pützmarco.puetz@wsl.chwww.snf.chnonono
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
c/o Marco Pützmarco.puetz@wsl.chwww.bafu.admin.chnonono
United Kingdom
- For founders
- For endusers
- For researchers
- For citizens
Improved accounting of the joint exploitation of the soil-sediment-water system and energy services will contribute to preservation of scarce resources and sustainable production of biomass as a renewable resource.
Improved understanding of the value of the SSW nexus and energy in the global economy to drive investment and regulatory decisions.
Improved characterisation of the inter relationships between the SSW nexus, including energy, and bioeconomic production is achievable with current big data and machine learning coupled with improved monitoring and modeling techniques.
A more secure transition to a post-hydrocarbon economy is likely if the role of the Soil-Sediment-Water-Energy nexus of natural resources is quantified and accounted for in assessments of bioeconomic production.
There is a “conceptual gap” how biomass is accounted for in “resource efficiency”, as most biomass is produced by humans. The relationship between biomass produciton and the soil-water-energy system is poorly understood. The goal is to understand the links between consumption and use SSW system servicesby quantifying and mapping, in time and space, the SSW system and energy resources related to consumption of products and services.
Background: The responsibility for a sustainable handling and management of natural resources is indispensable for providing the needs of a growing and affluent population and at once to safeguard the environment. Particularly, the EU’s growth strategy for a smart, inclusive and sustainable economy (Europe 2020 strategy) supports a shift towards sustainable growth via a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy. Further, the move “Towards a Circular Economy” is supported by measures driving a more efficient use of resources and waste minimization.
At present, the resource efficiency indicators available in the Eurostat scoreboard represent the evolution of the relation of gross domestic product (GDP) with different inputs such as energy, water, land or material resources (including biomass and minerals). Biomass production (food, feed, fiber, fuels – 4Fs) is the result of the use of the interconnected resources soils/sediments, water and energy. This nexus of resources is not accounted as such in the indicators. Further, there is still at the moment a “conceptual gap” in the method for accounting of biomass in the “resource efficiency”, as most of it is produced by humans. The relations between the production of biomass and the use of the soil-water-energy nexus need further investigations.
Goal: The goal is to understand the links between the consumption of our societies and the use of natural resources like the SSW system services: the need is to quantify and map in time and space the use of the nexus of SSW and energy resources related to the final consumption of products and services.
Rationale from the themes: Demand: The demand for the goods and services provided by natural resources is driven by the total final consumption of our societies. So far, the demand for bio-sourced products (4Fs) particularly is indirectly a demand for SSW system services.
Natural Capital: Natural capital provides the society with a wide range of goods and services, which are often considered to be free of charge. A steady supply of all these services is only guaranteed if the environment is healthy and if ecological structures and functions are preserved. These conditions need to be embodied in the assessment of the efficiency of the use of the SSW-energy nexus.
Land Management: Important role of land management is to balance the demand for and supply of resources and natural capital in urban and rural areas. Land management includes the institutional capacity of local, regional and national governments to identify and protect vulnerable areas and resources, ensure long-term productive potential of agricultural land, enhance adaptation to the climate change and to provide strategies to reduce the urban sprawl, as well as to reuse degraded, derelict or abandoned sites into new function.
Net Impact: The provision of many ecosystem services is interlinked with each other and/or linked to biodiversity, land use and land use change to increase the productivity of ecosystems is inevitable coupled with ecological, economic and societal impacts on global, EU and local scale as well as on different temporal scales.
So what? Most of the competencies of territorial authorities (national, regional, local) are organized by domain (e.g. water, agriculture, urban planning, tourism). These authorities would beneficiate from a more global and informed vision of the utility (private and public) of their decisions if they were supplied with indicators helping to measure the consequences of their decisions on the natural resources. In the future, this “footprint” type of indicators will permit the statistical scoreboard to be complemented to analyze the environmental impacts through the whole global economic cycle and thus to better balance the societal benefits and ecological effects of different resource-use options.
Links to other fields: This IT can be part of researches on more complete resource nexus (water-energy-food, minerals-water-energy, water-energy-minerals-food-land).
At present, the resource efficiency indicators available in the Eurostat scoreboard represent the evolution of the relation of gross domestic product (GDP) with different inputs such as energy, water, land or material resources (including biomass and minerals). Biomass production (food, feed, fiber, fuels – 4Fs) is the result of the use of the interconnected resources soils/sediments, water and energy. This nexus of resources is not accounted as such in the indicators. Further, there is still at the moment a “conceptual gap” in the method for accounting of biomass in the “resource efficiency”, as most of it is produced by humans. The relations between the production of biomass and the use of the soil-water-energy nexus need further investigations.
Goal: The goal is to understand the links between the consumption of our societies and the use of natural resources like the SSW system services: the need is to quantify and map in time and space the use of the nexus of SSW and energy resources related to the final consumption of products and services.
Rationale from the themes: Demand: The demand for the goods and services provided by natural resources is driven by the total final consumption of our societies. So far, the demand for bio-sourced products (4Fs) particularly is indirectly a demand for SSW system services.
Natural Capital: Natural capital provides the society with a wide range of goods and services, which are often considered to be free of charge. A steady supply of all these services is only guaranteed if the environment is healthy and if ecological structures and functions are preserved. These conditions need to be embodied in the assessment of the efficiency of the use of the SSW-energy nexus.
Land Management: Important role of land management is to balance the demand for and supply of resources and natural capital in urban and rural areas. Land management includes the institutional capacity of local, regional and national governments to identify and protect vulnerable areas and resources, ensure long-term productive potential of agricultural land, enhance adaptation to the climate change and to provide strategies to reduce the urban sprawl, as well as to reuse degraded, derelict or abandoned sites into new function.
Net Impact: The provision of many ecosystem services is interlinked with each other and/or linked to biodiversity, land use and land use change to increase the productivity of ecosystems is inevitable coupled with ecological, economic and societal impacts on global, EU and local scale as well as on different temporal scales.
So what? Most of the competencies of territorial authorities (national, regional, local) are organized by domain (e.g. water, agriculture, urban planning, tourism). These authorities would beneficiate from a more global and informed vision of the utility (private and public) of their decisions if they were supplied with indicators helping to measure the consequences of their decisions on the natural resources. In the future, this “footprint” type of indicators will permit the statistical scoreboard to be complemented to analyze the environmental impacts through the whole global economic cycle and thus to better balance the societal benefits and ecological effects of different resource-use options.
Links to other fields: This IT can be part of researches on more complete resource nexus (water-energy-food, minerals-water-energy, water-energy-minerals-food-land).
knowledge transfer, knowledge creation, demonstration, training and education
Clean water & sanitation, Affodable and clean energy, Industry innovation and infrastructure, Sustainable cities and communities, Responsible consumption, Climate action, Life on land
National research needs: